Original Art Work - Birdflap
Feathered Birds
We have a place on the Tawharanui peninsula and it's filled with the most beautiful NZ birdlife - which have been the inspiration behind this painting. From the beautiful natural bush, views of the bay through to the sounds of the birds talking away, it's such a retreat for us to spend time in this environment.
Birdlife is an original 1200mm x 600mm custom handmade frame on reinforced hardboard. The painting captures some of my most favourite native NZ birds and is painted in acrylic vibrant green and clear blue shades, featuring resins, heavily textured papers and modelling clay to create a strong textural interest.
Each painting is shipped out of Albany, Auckland. If you live outside NZ, please email me and I will put the painting on hold while we discuss the shipping options available.
A video of the work is available on request